Friday, April 12, 2013

The Unexpected Cold

Something happens to the body when confronted with unexpected cold weather. Today it was rainy, windy and sharply cold. I thought I dressed appropriately, but I was wrong. Stupidly, I only wore one pair of socks. I wore no hood, no scarf. My pea coat wasn't warm enough. I did wear my heavy fur hat on this mid April day and felt no more foolish others wearing their winter gear.
I don't know how I made through thirty years carrying mail. It must be in my head now. Anything vaguely uncomfortable outside and I opt to stay home. Don't even go to Friday night football games. If it's winter and you're at a skating rink with lights and music and you're moving, the cold just isn't a factor. But coming off three 70 degree days, to be hit be this crushes the spirit. Okay, maybe not that bad. But I couldn't do my power walking today, which means I'll have to leave my warm house to hit the gym. What kind of loser spends Friday night at the gym? Evidently all kinds because the place is packed. First I will get under the covers and take a power nap.

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