Sunday, March 1, 2020

I Got Junk

Too much belly junk. Get away pizza!
Hundreds of VHS tapes in my garage not even the Salvation Army would take. My abstract paintings take up much space. I think they are provocative in color, shape and texture. I seem to be alone in this belief.
My art is not junk.
Yesterday I tossed six pairs of socks, a lamp, a TV stand, a bookcase and a chair into the dumpster.
Yes, I can de-clutter with the best of them.
But I spotted a perfectly good piece of luggage and almost clean shower curtains, which I brought back to my condo.
I am getting rid of this dad body once and for all. That chocolate pudding in the back of my refrigerator will remain right there. But all the old phone books get tossed. I am keeping my hair dryer in case they come up with a genuine hair regrowth system. I will never throw away hope.

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