Saturday, January 16, 2016

Dear Mr. Kafka

I have been reading your work for many years and came to the conclusion we are kindred spirits. I often wake up thinking I am a Praying Mantis. Not the case, although I do rub my hands together a lot.
I also am convinced the authorities will arrest me for no reason. I double lock all my doors. I live alone in a modest house on a dead end. I have no friends.I wander the streets at night with no purpose or destination. The world is scary and unpredictable.
I also wrote to a painter by the name of Evard Munsch. I believe he is also overwhelmed by the horrors of everyday existence based on the content of his work. Perhaps the three of us can meet and go bowling. Then stop somewhere for coffee and meaningful discussion.
I, too, am a writer.I have sold nothing yet, but people say I have talent.
Looking forward to meeting you.
James Joyce

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