Sunday, February 10, 2019

Cheese Loyalty

For many years I was loyal to American cheese, both white and yellow. Oh, at times I cheated with Swiss or provolone. Guilt drove me back to American.
Then one day at the supermarket, I was feeling restless and bored with myself. I decided to break out of my comfort zone. I grabbed a pack of pepper jack cheese.
It took several days for me to get up enough courage to make a sandwich using that type. I still had one slice of American left and considered throwing it on top of the other. But that would be cowardice. I was ready for new vistas.
Without mustard, I lay three slices onto 12 grain bread. I stared at it. No sandwich spread. I wanted to experience the full flavor. I took a bite and the rest is history.
I simply cannot go back to American. I mean, have you TASTED pepper jack?

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