Sunday, November 8, 2015

Magical Skating Rink

Finn could not sleep and went for a walk in Verona Park. It was near midnight and he was depressed. He felt he was stagnating working in hs father's pork rind shop.
He was suddenly blinded by lights and sounds. Right where the pond was, a giant skating rink appeared. Skaters moved effortlessly, as though body mass was non existent. Skates attached to his feet and he was magnetically drawn to the rink.
Everyone was smiling and laughing. There was Al Capone, cigar in mouth and Liz Taylor and John Candy, the Marx Brothers and Lauren Bacall gliding along with Bogie. He saw Mother Theresa flaa on her rump with a squeal and Julia Chids went over and helped her up.
Finn felt a strong grip on his arm and realized it was Kate Hepburn. Speed it up, buster, I need to catch that one, she barked.  She pointed To Bette Davis, speeding along.
At dawn, the whole scene suddenly vanished and Finn found himself paddling in chip deep water.
To hell with pork rinds. He would become a world class figure skater.

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