Sunday, August 27, 2017

Jammed Printer

After Ben filled out an online survey for CVS, he was entitled to a $10 coupon. He clicked on the link and waited for the printout in the next room. A gargling, whining sound came from his printer. The paper was jammed. The coupon was stuck. He tried yanking it out, but only tore it worse.
Needing help, he went across the hall and knocked on muscular Hank's door. Hank opened it wearing a blue caftan and ballet slippers. Music from The Nutcracker played in the back round. He readily agreed to help his friend. Ben asked no questions.
The paper seemed to sneer at them. Just try getting me out, you wonkers/ Hank took his index finger and thumb and pulled. Suddenly the printer engaged, spewing out the sheet, causing Hank to fall backward and hit his head on the floor. He was knocked unconscious. Ben immediately feared being sued. Quickly, he formed a plan. He would dsrag Hank back to his apartment and hope he woke up not remembering anything.
Halfway there, Mrs. Welch opened her door and emerged with her Yorkie. She took one look, shook her head and whispered, I am not judgmental, but you two have to be more discreet.
Ben reprinted the coupon and used the $10 to buy two packs of dental floss. In case he ran short.

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