Saturday, February 14, 2015


This is humiliating. Someone painted me pink. Whoever heard of a pink hammer. I am supposed to stand for strength and reliability. I look like Truman Capote's hammer.
Stop whining. You could be me--a simple screwdriver no one bothers with. Which of us in this display window will people be attracted to, huh?
I don't like those kind of lascivious looks.
I didn't realize hammers had that kind of volabulary.
I didn't until some sadist painted me pink. My whole image is shot.
Would you rather be a pliers?
Don't get smart. What manly man will buy me?
Perhaps a fashionable lady will take you home.
Here's the question--can I still hammer like before?
Of course you can. I'll bet with more panache.
I didn't know screw drivers could use words like that.
Look, someone is crossing the street and coming over. Posture, posture.
I feel so debased, so naked. I would have accepted Payne Gray. But pink??

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