Saturday, April 7, 2018


Monte was a turkey who refused to believe turkeys can't fly. Is it our destiny to be slaughtered by human butchers at Thanksgiving? The flock grew depressed thinking about this. One of us must tempt fate and leap from that hill and test our limitations, he stated. Since he was the one asking the question, it had to be Monte.
As the others gobbled and fretted, knowing death was near, Monte waddled to the top and prepared to fly. So much drama, he thought. What's the worst that could happen? I crash and break my neck.
His parents could not look. Hiss niece thought he was crazy. His girlfriend thought it was sexy.
Monte spread his wings and lifted off. At first gravity was winning, as he dipped straight down. Then,miraculously, as he pumped his wings, he soared high into the clouds. He was so excited he evacuated a load that landed atop an innocent crossing guard.
I wish I could say the others followed suit, but because they didn;t believe their eyes, they were sacrificed for the pleasure of man. Monte  kept flying right into a rogue flock of tattooed geese wearing leather caps. They surrounded him, refused to listen to reason, and busted his wings. He screamed like a  baby turkey all the way down.

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