Monday, April 23, 2018

Polite Conversation

Will and Tara loved engaging in polite conversation. Nothing depressing or controversial. Many enjoyable lunches centered on innocent exchange of opinions and information. Boy, we can really use some rain. Property taxes are crushing. I'm getting a new car.
One day their casual acquaintance, Joe, spotted them lunching and shot right over. Joe launched into a diatribe on a botanical gardens place nearby.
Where the hell were the cherry blossoms this year? Why don't the turtles move off their damn rock? What's the point of that dirty pond. I didn't spot a single swan. The food is crappy, the museum stuffy. All those damn cacti. Did I mention the bathrooms? I bought a sweatshirt that doesn't fit.
Then he blasted Earth Day. All those lectures and slide shows. Why? What's the point? This is one huge garbage dump. Besides, we're all going to die after the meteor hits.
He excused himself to use the facilities.
Will and Tara scrambled out the door. Wordlessly.

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