Saturday, January 25, 2020

Axe to Grind

When have I ever mistreated any of you? If you had an axe to grind, you should have aired things out with me. I put Ollie in there to stave off boredom on my part. You find each other endlessly fascinating. I do not. You stare at me with those bulging eyes and I have to look away. I add something to your lives and instead of embracing him, you did what you did.
You ravaged poor Ollie, a harmless turtle, acted like he was invading your stupid tank. I can see bits of shell lying on the bottom among the pebbles. I remind you, that tank, pebbles, and water belong to me. I can barely imagine the horror of that tiny creature as you vicious thugs tore at his head and extremities.
I can only assume somewhere in your past a snapper turtle gobbled up a friend or relative and this was your revenge. Think about what you've done while I withhold feedings and maybe pour diet Snapple into your home. Better yet--hot cider.

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