Monday, March 20, 2017

A Madman

Joe was a madman convinced Death was upon him. I tried convincing him this was nonsense. He looked like a Greek god. His behavior became more unhinged. Plus he was lonely. If he saw an attractive crossing guard he began foaming at the mouth.
I finally took him to my favorite cafe and pointed to a group of writers seated in the corner. They were reading from laptops and notebooks. Joe heard them and became wide eyed. You see, I said, you are not mad. Madness is in that corner. Listen to that nonsense.
Joe beamed with joy. As we left, we passed the table full of madness. They were still reading gibberish. Only the guy in the Mets cap looked remotely sane. We exchanged smiles. He knew he was surrounded by madness. But they served good coffee.

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