Monday, September 17, 2018


Implants are the answer for frustrated parents. Insert them in every kid so you can monitor them 24/7. Kids are crazy, wild, no control. They are stubborn and talk back. Get those implants early, like four years old. Know where your kids are, what they're doing, who they're with.
Rights? Kids don't have rights. That line of thinking is what caused this parenting mess.
Here is where it gets sticky. What about putting implants in grandparents? Older adults losing cognitive skills. Who get in the car and proceed to get lost. Or what if they get a nutty idea like bungee jumping. A red light flashes on the console you keep handy. You immediately race to them and put the kabash on it. Bridge and bowling, knitting and pool--that is the extent of activities you allow them. Safety first.
If they whine about their freedom, hold back food. They'll come around, believe me.

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