Monday, August 13, 2012


I almost got run over tonight. I was walking and reading, but I swear when I got to the cross walk I had stopped reading. A car approached. I did not wave him through. He stopped. I began walking. Suddenly he hit the gas. I leaped out of the way--somehow. All those hours in the gym paid off. I did not curse or make a scene. He did not beep or say anything. I made it to the other side, took a deep breath and resumed reading.
This is how pedestrians die on clear, dry roads with perfect visibility. What if I didn't avoid contact? Suppose I lay there unconscious? How long before someone stopped to see I was okay?
If you guessed less than two hours you don't live in Hudson County.
My fear as I grow older is that someday I'll be too slow to react. I already type slow, shower slow, climb steps slow, digest food slow, drive slow. I sense I'm blinking slower than I used to. There will come a day when I'll be too anxious to leave the house. One point in my favor--I always have on clean socks and underwear. And those tiny shoulder hairs get trimmed regularly. I will make a handsome corpse if I dodge a fraction too late.

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