Sunday, August 19, 2012

Something Moved

Ned and Tara are having dinner at a restaurant.

Ned-Sit perfectly still.
Tara-You're scaring me.
Ned-Your meat loaf just moved.
Tara-My loaf is dead.
Ned-There's something very strong underneath it.
Tara-I covered it in gravy.
Ned-Maybe it's in the gravy.
Tara-Make up your mind. Gravy or loaf.
Ned-Don't get snippy. I could have said nothing.
Tara-Last night you could have said nothing.
Ned-Don't start.
Tara-You yelled "Bettina!"
Ned-She was my nanny. I was confused about my feelings.
Tara-So that wasn't the hussy at Cara's party you were all over?
Ned-We were discussing exploring caves in the southwest. I had a life before I met you.
Ned-Something moved on her plate.
Waiter-Perhaps it is the lights in here. Plays tricks.
Tara-Something around or on that meatloaf is alive.
Waiter-Would you like me to take it back?
Tara-No, I'd like you to question it.
Waiter-Your sarcasm is noted.
Ned-Call the manager over.
Waiter-As you wish. Morris!
Morris-Is there a problem?
Tara-You've got foriegn objects in your entre.
Morris-I am appalled, truly appalled.
Ned-We want to speak to the owner.
Morris-Certainly. Howard!
Howard-How can I be of assistance?
Tara-Something is moving on my plate.
Howard-Morris, determine if this is so. If it's alive, add a surcharge. If it's dead, speak to the chef.
Morris-Yes, but Mirella's been exceptionally cranky all day. She lost her pet beetle.

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