Thursday, September 1, 2016

Ten Bucks

I'm flipping through a thick book off my shelf, trying to decide if I should read that next. Suddenly, between the pages, lay a crisp ten dollar bill. I knew it wasn't mine--I do not use money bookmarks. The question is--what do I do with it?
Leave it in the book for another, essentially playing it forward.
Give it to the first panhandler I see.
Write a short O. Henry type story with a twist ending inspired by this find.
Rub it up against me for good luck.
Seek advice from a priest.
Send a good thought to the one who left it.
Use it toward my next haircut.
Donate it to Doctors Without Borders or Greenpeace.
Buy four ice coffees for those loitering outside Dunkin Donuts.
Decisions, decisions.

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