Monday, October 10, 2016


My art exhibit needs to be ready by January. I have been given space by a coffee house. My work consists of creatures from my imagination. They vaguely resemble earth animals. I hope they don't scare kids. It would be nice if I sold a few.
One thing I realized was some of my creatures lack eyeballs. That's right, eyeballs. Without them there is no point of reference for the viewer. So I must dot them either with white or black paint depending on the surrounding colors.
I am self taught, which means I paint out of boredom. I taught myself to do representational work first, then decided to go abstract. I love shapes and colors and the feeling of brush on canvas. I try to look intense while I paint. In case anyone is watching.
I think women are impressed by artists. We'll see come January.
Actually, I wouldn't mind if a few kids got scared.

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