Saturday, December 10, 2016


I thought this would be easy. I peeled off the wallpaper and figured now I can paint. No. There is backing paper that had to be sprayed with special mixture to loosen it. Then other paper backing the backing paper. Then the glue had to come off using a steam machine.
Then I discover previous owners painted the wall orange. I would need to apply primer before the first coat of paint. I'm sitting in my recliner after three hours of work waiting for my sister in law to finish taking off the glue. The new linoleum and blinds lay on the floor in my living room. She is in her ninth hour and just won't stop. Tomorrow she won't be able to move
Of course the super will come to remove the old dishwasher and comment on how much speckling needs to be done. My brother will offer his two cents. I don't care I need this renovation to happen even if it means reviving my sister in law with oxygen.

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