Friday, December 30, 2016

Lost Sock

I was sorting my dried laundry and realized I was missing a sock. I hoped I didn't leave it in the dryer where sock thieves prowl. I finally found it lying on the bathroom floor behind the door, Evidently, it never made it to the wash.I was careless unloading the hamper.
What do I do? If I just toss it back into the hamper and wait a week for the next cycle, will the clean sock wonder if its partner deserted it? If I attach it to the clean one and pretend it was washed, who will know? I will and so will the clean sock. Socks can sense these things.
If I wear the fraudulent pair, do I risk getting a fungus of some sort from the germ ridden sock? Either way I will probably lose the trust and respect of the clean sock.
I see no way out here.
I live alone, by the way.

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