Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Hard Boiled Eggs

My shrink tells me I'm on edge. I need something to calm me. I need an activity. He suggested creating hard boiled eggs.
I trust the man and went at it full bore. I bought eggs. I boiled them. Placed them in cold water afterward. I adjusted the lighting in the kitchen. Put on soothing music by Enya. Donned a surgeon's mask and gloves. Placed one egg on a sterilized tray and took a deep breath.
Carefully I peeled the shell away, taking care not to remove the white with the shell. It took me half an hour for one egg. But my mind was taken off my anxiety.
Just when I reached the very end of the process, a stupid bird slammed into my window. I screeched and squashed the yoke into a hundred pieces.
I wanted to grab a steak knife and attack the bird. Somehow I calmed myself using breathing techniques. I assumed the dumb bird has cataracts.
Now I must begin again with another egg.
Or maybe I'll just take up jigsaw puzzles or adult coloring books.

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