Saturday, September 30, 2017

The Zen of Geese

I was riddled with anxiety.I feared getting out of bed. Everything was a threat.
One day, sitting on a park bench, I was approached by a goose. It looked me up and down.
What is it? I asked. You look like a nervous wreck, it said.
I nodded and explained I had a lot of issues. It extended its neck in disdain. Your problem is ypu are not living in the moment, sir. You regret the past and fear the future.
I scratched my chin and asked it to elaborate.
Study any goose, it began. We waddle on land at our own pace. We swim and cool off. We find food on the ground, copulate and defecate on the walkway when we feel like it. We don't get depressed or have breakdowns. You should imitate the water fowl in front of you.
What about ducks, I asked.
Ducks are screwed up, always on edge, ready to explode. Frogs are dumb and disinterested. Lizards you can't trust. Fish crash into each other. Geese know the secret.
It sounds hard, I said.
Just do it. Don't think of consequences and what others say. Be at one with the universe.
Right then, I needed a bowel movement. The goose stared at me as a challenge. I stood up and dropped my pants. My friend John walked by and commented, Zen, very Zen. The goose turned and waddled away.

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