Sunday, May 20, 2012


I would love to meditate, especially when I'm on the road. But as soon as I get into a deep mode, I have to pee. Or I get hunger pangs. Highway fast food absolutely kills my meditative buzz.
I'm sure I could discover penetrating insights if I just knew where the heck I was. I have no GPS and can't read maps or even unfold them. I'm afraid that in the middle of one of my meditations I might sense specks of oatmeal at the corners of my lips. Or I might just doze off. Is there a time limit on this process?Can I meditate at ping pong matches and bull fights? Can I sometimes touch myself while coming up with these philosophical breakthroughs?
Do I have to declare myself spiritual before I embark on a meditation?
Why am I asking you? All you do is cut coupons all day.
Now I must get directions or I'll never get to see the Amish.They could care less about meditating. They're too busy milking cows and mending fences. And denouncing electricity.

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