Monday, February 15, 2016

Sound Bites

As I grow older, I'm less feisty and argumentative. My sound bites have changed. They are more like sound nibbles.
I used to spout things like--You're ignorant. Shut up and listen to me. Been there, done that. Tell me something I don't know.
Now I mouth phrases like--Good point. I never thought of that. That's an interesting slant.You really have your facts straight. Can I get you a cup of coffee?
Even my tone and delivery have mellowed. It's been months since I've thrown a punch. I just realized no one follows my advice, cares about my opinions or respects my world view.
I need to revitalize by jumping into an argument. Something I know lots about, like toasters.
Fool. You are toaster ignorant. That will be my first sound bite.

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