Friday, January 24, 2014

A Demon Ruminates

When I was in human form they called me Bernie. I was trusted, loved even. It was all a game to me. How could a game be evil? I never thought about evil except when a Ralph Lauren commercial came on. I was just a guy juggling numbers and making calls.
Some say it got out of hand. But no one investigated. They let me build my empire; everyone wanted in, especially those silly retirees.
But then real evil appeared in the form of slick men in designer suits and polished shoes, rolling in their bundled securities no one understood. Venture capitalists, hedge fund managers, futures investors, manipulating the whole system.
Suddenly I was expected to return money given to me freely to invest. I was caught in the middle with my pants down. That was when they spotted the tale growing out of my butt. They jumped to conclusions, impaled me with the word evil and put me in this cell.
In my mind my soul is still pure. I know who I was and who I wasn't. I was just a guy playing a game. No demon here.
Before you leave, my friend, how about we toss some dice?

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