Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Dancing in the Moonlight

Alice led Ralph up three flights of stairs to the roof.
"Honey, you know I can't dance."
"Oh, be quiet. You never take me anywhere anymore. We haven't gone dancing in ages."
Alice loosened his tie, removed his cap, and took off his jacket. Ralph was flushed and sweating, out of shape.
"Pretend Perry Como is singing "Temptation." She put his arm around her waist and led him across the roof, silhouetted by light and shadow. Ralph let her put her head on his shoulder. Life in a tiny Brooklyn apartment did not lend itself to many magic moments, but this was one of them.
Until the trap door opened and two figures climbed out.
"Ralphie boy! Seems like we all had the same idea. Plenty of room up here. Me and Trixie need to work on some moves."
Ralph grimaced. "Norton! Get out of here!"
Norton shrugged. "You don't own this roof. If you can dance up here, so can we. Let's shake it, Trixie."
They launched into a wild cha cha.
Ralph and Alice sighed and continued slow dancing, but some of the magic was gone.

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