Saturday, July 26, 2014

My Emotional Bunker

When stress hits, I retreat to my Happy Place, my emotional bunker. I stick in a K.C. & the Sunshine Band CD, open my collected Calvin & Hobbes cartoons, lean back in my recliner and let negativity fly away.
Writing should be my escape, but all I envision are those rejection slip and grumpy fellow scribes furious at indifferent editors.
I'll think about somewhere peaceful like Maine or Canada where nothing happens. Happy memories of my youth help form my bunker. Falling off a bike and having people rush to see if I was alright makes me smile. Actually I was 45 when that happened and screamed like a four year old.
Other times I will call people I know aren't home, listen to their answering machine and politely correct any grammatical mistakes in the message.
Slicing food calms my nerves, especially red and green peppers. I get to the white part, rip it out and feel powerful. I slice until my fingers are numb. Numbness is a very effective way of confronting the insanity around us.
When all else fails, I tie and retie my sneakers.
I'm kind of getting sick of K.C. Time for a Manilow Moment.

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