Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Elastic Obsessive

I was entranced by the Elastic Shop to the point where I was spending almost my whole paycheck on elastic products. My wife told me I needed help. What if the elastic on my underwear snaps? I have plenty of back up. She stubbornly insisted I could just buy new underwear. Amazing.
Let's discuss rubber bands for a moment. Can we ever have enough? I love The Rubber Band Cafe, where they serve coffe, tea and pastries while you consider various size rubber bands. Hey, if I smoked, drank or gambled, that's where my money would go. Instead, I've focused on healthy pursuits.
Why am I squirming. My friend Josie stitched on new elastic to my underwear after the old one snapped, but she purposely made it too tight. The last two times we had lunch I left her to pick up the tab. What a memory on that woman.

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