Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Those Were the Days

I found a parking space in Hoboken, which is like spotting an alien. Years ago, Castro drove out many Cubans, who settled in Hudson County. Parking disappeared.
Yes, we had more restaurants, discount stores, boutiques, up tempo music, dance halls, parades and festivals, all those languages and smells and culture.
But what good is all this if you have to walk to them?
Sure, we have buses, the light rail, taxis. But I didn't finish in the top 20% of my class to ride buses.
Although, I must admit pizza cravings are easily satisfied with many open late. Charming lady stylists who don't speak much English give me short haircuts and even trim my eyebrows for $12. Plus tip.
Sometimes they'll shampoo me.
When Europeans dominated the populace, try finding a German barber who will go anywhere near your eyebrows.

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