Monday, June 22, 2015

Take My Picture

The pressure when someone asks you to take their picture with significant others in a public place when you have no experience with their camera is unbearable. It happens to me all the time. Today, as I was beginning my walk in a park, a young man requested just that. It was him, his dad, and his infant son, a cute kid to be sure. I managed to pull it off, they thanked me, and we went our separate ways. Twenty years from now when they look over old photos, will they remember the fellow who created this memory?
It gets depressing if it's a young couple definitely in love who ask. They smile and hold each other and you set up the shot wishing they had asked someone else. You walk away alone wondering where it all went wrong. I do enjoy those instances where a group of young women pose, squeezing together, holding each other, giggling. I just pray as I snap the shutter my fly isn't open.

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