Tuesday, February 21, 2017

My Greatest Sacrifice

I had a perfectly good life as a Boy Toy. Women could use me and pass me along to other older ladies. I fulfilled a need without having to go to work at some factory.
One day some of us Boy Toys were having brunch and Allen mentioned an article he'd read in Boy Toy Month;ly by a former BT, who declared this was a shallow way to live and we should be ashamed of ourselves. Much debate ensued. Yes, Boy Toys do debate occasionally.
When I got home I began thinking. It gave me a headache, but I questioned whether there was more I was capable of. It would have been simple to transition to Chic Magnet, but I made a sacrifice. I let my hair fall out, lost my six pack abs and abandoned my perfect posture.
I became a writer. Now I have gravitas, respect and substance.
Sometimes, just for fun, I will flash some chest hair, but I will never go back. Gravitas does not grow on trees.

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