Sunday, September 11, 2011

Death By Coupon

I was $2.07 short. I needed to spend $25 at CVS to get $5 off and I was short. This is a coupon nightmare when there is only one cashier and a line behind you. The sensible thing would have been to grab two candy bars right under the counter. Except I'm diabetic, so I race into the aisles frantically searching for something cheap and nutritious. I settled for a small bag of Doritos and a Pringles chips cylinder, which combined contained 8000milligrams of sodium and I'm hypertensive.
I could hear grumbling on the line about the idiot with the coupon. But as I was being checked out I heard the manager say to the guy behind me that he was only allowed one item on a particular sale and he had already purchased three of that item. He pretended ignorance. Who was he kidding? We've all pulled that one and the smart move is to hit different CVS outlets, buy one at each so no one can keep track. I don't know whether it was toothpaste or stockings, but that man's humiliation knocked my holding up the line right off the radar.
An even worse situation is when you carefully calculate your $25, only to discover the tax doesn't count and you're still short, or something is on sale, causing the same problem. Frankly, sometimes I will grab a candy bar just to get the sale over with. On the self serve machine I can never remember when to scan the coupon and invariably stall out the whole process. Lights flash, there is beeping, the teen employee saunters over, glaring at me, and I want to pull out my 1971 BA from Rutgers, but I can't find it. Instead I smile and shrug and pretend English is my second language, which works only in Hudson County.

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