Sunday, July 21, 2013

Delayed Gratification

I know I'm a good writer. I just have to wait for the rest of the population to catch on. I'm used to waiting for a reward. I had to wait years to get a pet, in this case, a goldfish. It soon became obvious my fish hated me. Never made eye contact, kept swimming away. It wasn't until I began reading to it--Moby Dick--that it responded with warmth. I know which side it was rooting for.
I never understood people who suffer in this world in exchange for rewards in the next. What if we've been sold a bill of goods? What if there's no sweet potato fries in heaven? Or Edy's Fruit Bars, waste management or breath mints?
What if Elvis is 400 pounds and we all have to report to Richard Nixon for our personal cloud?
Hugh Hefner has it right. Get as much now as you can. Bacchanalia is a viable short and long term goal if you ask me.
I just wish recognition were a little faster coming, preferably before I'm cremated. If you've ever had a small pimple and forced yourself to wait until it was the size of a cathedral before bursting it, you're a better person than I.

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