Monday, October 17, 2011


The obvious solution to a lack of laundry quarters is to go to the bank. But I can't bring myself to do that, even at a bank where I have an account. I have trouble just asking diner employees for a quarter for the meter before I order lunch. It seems cruel to request bank tellers turn over a roll of quarters someone spent precious minutes creating and handing them a crumpled ten dollar bill in exchange.
You see, the washers and dryer at my condo are much cheaper than those at laundromats. For 50 cents your clothes really do get dried. But we don't have a change machine--fear of robbery I was told. I tried a number of sneaky moves involving outside establishments. One cranky old German woman demanded to see my wash when I tried to use their change machine. I told her it was in the car and spun on my heel to escape. Sometimes my beaten dollar won't be accepted, which means scrounging for other bills and time wasted. Get in, get out is vital when filching a laundry's quarters.
Now I go to the trouble of packing a laundry bag with dirty clothes, driving to the local place, walking in with my bag, getting my change, then sitting and reading the paper for ten minutes, like I belong. Then I leave, carrying my unopened bag, with no one the wiser.
I get my quarters, avoid confrontation and after awhile, the guilt vanishes. I save about $175 a year by using my washers and dryer. I guess it's people like me that are slowing economic growth. At least I'm not making my own cereal and bread.

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