Friday, February 8, 2013


I've lost my moral compass, my ethical center. I may have left it at a Quick Check. I've looked under furniture, behind bookcases, in the medicine cabinet, the fridge, the stove, in all my drawers and closets. I even checked my garage and the dumpster. No luck.
This is worse than running low on gas during a blizzard. I make decisions based on my morality. I base my diet and exercise schedule on strict ethical rules. I always wipe down the equipment afterwards, That one is easy to remember. But other boundaries are too complicated for memorization.
Without my compass I'm dizzy, directionless, nervous, fidgety, frustrated, even panicky. I fear I may do something at odds with my basic goodness.
This one impulse is growing, intensifying. The impulse to invade a country. If it weren't for this cursed storm I could go out and get waffle fries. It would give me time to calm myself and ask what would Socrates do in this situation? Does it snow in Greece?

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