Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Reunion That Never Was

Once again I ignored his request for a reunion with three of my former high school classmates. I hated high school. For them, it was glory and great memories. For me, not so much.
We are Facebook friends. In fact, FB has pretty much made reunions passe. He actually organized previous full reunions for the whole class, none of which I attended.
See, these people basically ignored me in high school. Maybe I wasn't worth knowing. But I have no desire to return to the dynamics of that relationship, IE. they cementing how popular they were and relating all their success afterward, while subtlety denigrating my achievements. I don't doubt for a moment that would happen.
He did come to my brother's funeral almost four years ago and sought me out. I didn't recognize him. We had a nice talk in which he mentioned a kidney problem.
Well, recently he posted on FB that his situation had gotten much worse and is life threatening. A part of me feels guilty for refusing his invitations to get together over the years. But the truth is we were never close friends. Sometimes you have to protect yourself and not bring back bad memories and that is why I stayed away. None of us were supposed to get old, right?

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