Tuesday, August 27, 2013

VHS Tapes

I may have found an answer to disposing of the approximately 250 VHS tapes I collected before I retired. I bought many of them on sale with the idea that after I retired I would just sit in my recliner and watch movies all day, grow a beard and get fat.
Obviously that plan went awry after DVDs came into being. Unlike LPs, there is no market for these tapes, unless there are a few Third World countries who never made the switch.
I still have my VHS player under my cable box, but I haven't used it in so long I forgot how it works. Besides that issue, I simply don't have the time to watch movies. I joined so many groups since retiring I'm hardly home. Plus the writing and painting suck up more time.
But today I may have discovered a way out of this dilemma. I won't reveal my source, but I was told there is a business that accepts VHS tapes and pays a small amount for each. I refuse to reveal the identity of that business because I'm concerned you'll pile your old tapes into the car and shoot there before me. There probably aren't too many people dumb enough to stockpile outmoded products, but at the time it seemed like a good idea. That's probably what Hitler said after invading Russia.

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