Saturday, October 3, 2015

The Mysterious Building

Brandon saw them lining up around the building every day while walking his dog. That place had been vacant for years. Six weeks ago the doors opened and lines formed. He thought maybe it was a medicinal marijuana clinic.
These were the oddest looking folks he'd ever seen. Features that didn't come together, long arms, hair sticking up in all directions, bulges where there shouldn't be, protruding teeth, awkward posture. Some honked and wheezed for no apparent reason.
Their clothes were ill fitting to say the least.
Brandon had to find out what was going on. He asked politely what the deal was.
Someone informed him they were casting for a movie based on the stories of Joe Del Priore, who wrote a series of books and self published. Big bucks if we get cast, one said.
Brandon had never heard of the guy. Curiosity satisfied, he walked off, honking and wheezing following him.

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