Monday, January 23, 2017


I called in professionals to haul away my ego, which had been preventing me from seeing the reality of my life. My novels will never sell. I will never marry well. A carpet salesman is who I am.
My ego was too big to place in a jar of acid. It took up most of my living room, blocking my flat screen. The men came up on a freight elevator all ready to haul it away. Until they saw it. Even with a hand truck they could not budge it.
I decided to chop it up and sell the pieces on line to insecure people. But I just could not do it. My ego is part of who I am. I thought about going to the circus to take my mind off this. But there is no more circus anymore. What happens to clown egos now? Maybe I could somehow breed my ego with a clown ego. Just brain storming here.

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