Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Diseased Halloween Parade

I went to a diseased Halloween Parade today in Hoboken. Why did it fall apart? Simple. candy. Kids began walking down Washington Street with their parents and all was fine. Great costumes, lots of excitement.
Soon, however, things fell apart. Tykes dragged their parents off the street onto the sidewalk because that's where the businesses with candy were.
Why did Willie Sutton rob banks? That's where the money was.
There developed holes in the parade, spaces where no one was marching. Police did nothing as the whole thing disintegrated into greed.
There was a costume contest on a soccer field at the end. Maybe half the participants showed up. I didn't stay for the results.
This happens every year. What can you do? If I were a kid I'd detour the same way.
FYI--If you're observant and quick, you can swipe candy from their baskets and pails in the sidewalk crunch. One year I nailed three Reese's Peanuts, the Holy Grail of candy. I'm saving them dental issues going forward. My conscience is almost clear.

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