Sunday, March 23, 2014

Dog Upstairs

The woman upstairs now owns a large poodle like dog that barks every time I move or come in and out. She is constantly shrieking at her dog like it is a stubborn ten year old. She used to just shriek at the next door condo for making too much noise.
The dog seems to pee where it wants. So far not in the small vestibule, but that is coming. I need to form a strategy. If I confront her, she may sic the beast on me. A large black poodle may not sound intimidating, but I'm assuming first she'll knock me down and then let the dog tear me to pieces. She outweighs me by a lot.
I used to own a dog, a mid sized shepherd, so I am not anti-dog. But I tense up if humans consider their pet the only conversational outlet they have. She says she has a boyfriend, whom I've never seen. This is beginning to worry me.

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