Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Little Box

Alma touched the little box in her pocket and smiled. Inside was a brooch left to her by Grandma Wilma before she died. She was an elite senior snowboarder who won numerous competitions before a sudden landslide buried her on a Colorado mountain side.
That is how she would have wanted to go, Alma thought. She had just come from the reading of the will and while others got money, she was satisfied with this jewelry. Her Granny had shared thoughts and ambitions with her over the years and thoroughly supported Alma's intended career as an alligator hunter in the Everglades. She even got her a 12 gauge shotgun to blow the beasts out of the water.
Alma took off her coat and hat. In fact, she stripped naked except for the brooch around her neck. Then she danced around the apartment to Granny's favorite band--Megadeth.
Good memories flooded her mind. Granny sure knew how to roll. They never did find her snowboard.

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