Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Passion for Macrame

Larry lived for macrame. As a youth he showed great promise. His parents sent him to out of state competitions and he won awards. Macrame was his major in college. Women found his sensitivity attractive and basically threw themselves at him. Because of his familiarity with the forms and structures of macrame, he was able to create a number of new sexual positions based on this intricate art.
He got a teaching job at a progressive school and his students respected his passion. Except for Lucretia, who never shaved her legs or armpits. She had been tossed out of ukelele class and shoved into his group. She made indifferent macrame constructions that easily crumbled and tossed macrame spitballs at him.
Larry was losing the respect of his class.
There was only one solution. Fortunately, this school allowed Taser guns to be used on unruly students. So, as it stands now, Lucretia is sprawled across her desk, unconscious. The other kids have twice the respect as they had for Larry. Art for art's sake triumphs.

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