Saturday, May 3, 2014


I dreamed I was an Irish step dancer involved in a huge spectacle on Broadway with my visiting troupe. I spot Sofia in the first row, my former lover, and completely lose focus. I stumble and lose my balance, taking out eight other members. The curtain comes down as the audience howls with laughter. No one will speak or look at me. We are humiliated.
Outside, as I leave the theater in tears, Sofia comes up to me and whispers something in Spanish, gently touching my arm. I sense she wants me again.
But then she pecks me on the cheek and walks away without another word.
Later, I have a Spanish friend translate her words.
"Clumsy Imbecile."
Once again I break into tears. Perhaps I lack the constitution to be a hardened step dancer. We cut our tour short and came home. I am awaiting a meeting with our producer. I will probably be fired.
I wake up and Sofia is lying next to me. I dress and head to my job laying tar and fixing potholes. My ramrod posture suggests my step dancing potential.

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