Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Replacing a Legend

Just because I'm the great chef Laflosse's brother doesn't mean I can cook. But when he was sent away for tax evasion, I decided to take control of his empire, much to the consternation of chefs working under him.
I immediately created a new menu based on my ideas and experimentation. Here is what I came up with.
muskrat soup, bat juice, pea & carrot sauce, ground hog souffle, barbecued lizard tongue, owl lips on toast, greased llama nipples, low fat mosquito yogurt, flaming celery, pelican dropping topping, boiled baboon phlegm, chopped ferret, sauteed possum, platypus stew, roasted sparrow nuts, wolfhound liver, carp panini, salted roach, tadpole on a roll, double decker wombat deluxe with fries.
It's too early to determine if patrons are willing to break out of their nutritional comfort zone. Barf bags are on order. Who knows? By the time my brother gets out I may have my own franchise.

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