Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Warren thought hard about what he would do with his lottery winnings. A high end inflatable doll was a possibility. He was a single man with no friends. Loneliness haunted him.
Then he remembered hearing about a man in the next town, a man who could do magical things for a price. He realized what he must try to do with his winnings.
He knocked on the fellow's door and the short, rather rumpled man who answered was wary at first. But Warren held out a fistful of cash and the mood swiftly changed.
He was led inside to a back room and told to lie on a soft bed. The man gave him a pill to knock him out. He was confident this man could make his dream come true.
When he awoke he was no longer in that room. He found himself seated in an office cubicle. A short, bald, bespectacled man holding a giant coffee cup walked past mumbling wise cracks. Another bespectacled man wearing a tie that curled up towards his chin seemed clueless. A woman with dark hair stacked high glared fiercely at everyone. A man, bald in the center, with two steeples of hair on the sides seemed to be the boss and completely in over his head.
Other characters came and went. Warren was overjoyed. His dream had come true. He was now part of Dilbert's world.
Now he had friends, co-workers and a purpose.

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