Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Tuscany 1954

If you go back and research it, there was a strange series of groundhog attacks in 1954 in Tuscany. One case stands out. An old man with a dog came upon a luxury car in the middle of the road. The doors were open. One shoe lay in the dirt. There was blood on the back seat. Giant holes were all around the scene
Detectives theorized this was a ground hog attack. They found a cummerbund, a silk scarf, bra and high end knee socks a short distance away. Evidently, a ground hog had lay across the road, pretending to be dead. The driver stopped the car, got out and attempted to move it, whereupon a gang of these beasts burst out of the bushes and quickly dragged both man and woman off to some cave where they were devoured.
In the glove compartment they found identification papers. This was Nick Santori and his wife Geraldine, rumored to have Mafia connections.
Perhaps these ground hogs were contract killers for a rival family. Nothing was out of the question.
Italian media outlets were all over this story. They made certain to mention the bra was a 38C.

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