Monday, May 4, 2015

Man Bun

Yesterday in NYC I saw a middle aged guy with a man bun. I thought about calling 911, but no one else seemed upset. It was a neat bun  and he seemed comfortable. Aesthetically, I was appalled. Wearing a man bun is like owning a Volvo. You have to make more masculine choices.
This is a trend that must be stopped before it explodes and you have Minnesota loggers with buns. People like me, who have extra time on their hands, must lead the way.
Yes, I get my eyebrows trimmed, but that is all about looking presentable. Left untreated, my eyebrows resemble barbed wire gone berserk. Just the effort to create a man bun sucks up valuable man hours that could be devoted to stripping bark or changing transmission fluid.
Who decided this was acceptable storage of excess hair?
Don't try to convince me women love it. I think I'm blaming the Australians. Insidious bastards.

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