Sunday, November 24, 2013

Fashion Faux Pas

I accidentally spilled coffee on my white t-shirt and became fascinated by a stain that resembled Greenland. I began experimenting with different blends on all my shirts, sprinkling or spilling it on the fabric from different angles.
The patterns were exotic and visually arresting. I was invited to a party and as soon as my friends saw one of my shirts they wanted to create their own designs on me. I lay down on the kitchen floor and the host began by spilling cranberry juice on me. Others quickly followed with grapefruit, apple, and prune juice, chocolate pudding, eye drops, Rice-A-Roni, grape soda and soy milk.
They left me there to dry while they retreated to the dining room for pizza. I just closed my eyes and waited for someone to return with tomato sauce to top things off.
I may have started something.

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