Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Watch Your Back

The Star-Ledger reprinted its 9/11 issue on the tenth anniversary and Fran Wood, a columnist, had speculated then on how our freedoms would be curtailed. She mentioned  metal detectors, multiple forms of ID, high level security put in place everywhere from museums to buses, subways or any public building.
Sadly, her predictions have come true. Cameras all over. Everyone is being watched. What she didn't foresee was the wholesale anonymous reporting of citizens by other citizens, usually by cell phone, to police at even small, community events. She didn't predict undercover cops sitting among spectators at scholastic sporting events, fairs, festivals, parades, celebrations. It seems anyone who doesn't look like they fit in, or isn't recognized by someone, is vulnerable to a police stop. False accusations are multiplying. Rights are being ignored. Reputations smeared. There seems to be no conscience on the part of those turning fellow citizens in. Profiling is rampant and much of this has nothing to do with terrorism. Know who is sitting around you. Be wary if a stranger starts up a conversation. It could very well be an undercover cop probing. It doesn't matter if you are doing nothing wrong. In this country now, all that matters is if someone THINKS you might be a problem. And you have no right to face your accuser. Fran Wood barely touched the surface of how our freedom has disappeared over these last ten years. Suspicion is rampant. Watch your back.

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