Sunday, November 20, 2011

Feeble Attempt

I threw out an old TV stand in my garage, piled with books, replacing it with a lightweight, stylish bookcase. This was part of my feeble attempt to downsize. I also replaced the battery in my smoke alarm and reorganized my candy drawer, separating my sour balls, lollipops and sugar free gum by size and expiration date.
Then came the tough part. Deciding which of my acquaintances had to go. I know lots of people, too many. I'm not even that sociable. I just keep running into people and somehow we click. Maybe I'm a good listener. But  the breadth of my social web had become unwieldy. I couldn't get milk at the corner without running into someone who HAD to talk to me.
It took several hours, but I built up a head of steam and my downsizing grew and developed into a ruthless excising of extraneous chatterers. First out were those with duplicate characteristics. I don't need two friends who laugh at their own jokes. Then I went after the obsessives, the clinging vines, the hangers on. I need space to breath. Finally, I jettisoned those blood suckers who puncture my ego with vicious zingers, especially about my ears.
Of course I sent out emails. I couldn't deal with their shock and disappointment when they found out they were expelled from my galaxy. I discovered I wasn't so feeble after all. Now I have plenty of time to think about important matters. This is me thinking.

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