Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Using What You Have

I have decided to sell my imagination. People have indicted it's my best feature. Why not profit from it the same way male models make money from their cheekbones?
I haven't worked out the fee range yet, but I can see numerous utilitarian uses for it that can benefit common folks who just can't make up goofy stuff.
1. An excuse for getting out of work.
2. A story/essay/report/term paper needed for a school assignment.
3. A monologue or skit to impress a hot actor or actress.
4. An alibi.
5. A witty joke or humorous anecdote to use on a first date.
6. A long, spooky story to scare little kids who annoy you.
7. A complete fabrication to explain suspicious behavior to your spouse or partner.
8. A false history to relate at reunions.
9. A fully logical rationale for illogical acts.
10. A series of daydreams to entertain yourself during traffic jams.
11. Fantasies to take your mind off aching body parts.
12. Quick, vicious retorts to use in sudden verbal conflicts.
I have something of value I'm willing to share for a price. With the extra money coming in I imagine myself on a South Seas cruise.
For a bit extra I can create a dual personality you are not responsible for. Multiple personalities we would have to discuss.

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